The excitement of Holy Week and Easter may be over but the rest of the Easter season is an excellent time to think about church growth. Some churches observe the Easter season from Holy Week to Pentecost, while others observe a briefer season, but a debriefing on how the special services went is probably taking place in most churches. Assessing how your church performed during Easter is a great way to figure out what direction your church needs to go in to grow and what steps you need to take to get there.

Of course there are a large portion of Easter attendees who only come back to your church on major holidays. These churchgoers can still be reached even though they don’t attend church regularly if your church knows how to approach them for financial and community goals. Part of planning your church’s growth after Easter comes with speaking to these occasional attendees.

The more important group, however, are the occasional attendees who might consider becoming regular attendees. There is a reason why they’re not attending church and it might be different for each individual. These reasons range from things your church can’t change, like work obligations, to things your church can change, like uncomfortable church seating. Determining which obstacles to regular attendance your church has within its control to change is an important part of the process of growing your church.

The week after Easter Sunday, give some time to think about what your church needs to do to eliminate these reasons. Team up with members of your church who welcomed newcomers on Easter Sunday and ask them about any feedback they received. Were there any lessons in how the newcomers reacted to your church? Be sure to listen to your current members, too, for ideas of what your church can improve on for the future.

If you discover that your problem is as simple as the layout of your pews or that they’re not comfortable, give us a call and we can help.