In early July, Jason and Brad embarked on a journey to the booming city of Cottondale, Alabama. With a population of around 35,000, and home to the University of Alabama. Their destination was the Tuscaloosa Primitive Baptist Church, where they set to work on a significant project.

Jason and Brad meticulously assembled and installed 19 of our style 4002 pews, installing 12 and 8-foot lengths. These pews were fully upholstered in our elegant Shire Greystone fabric and stained with Minwax Early American stain, topped with a lacquer clear coat for a durable, long-lasting finish. Each pew featured our standard book racks with cup holders, card pockets, and a pencil receptacle.

The project also included our style 8000 pulpit, crafted without a cross, our style 7005 communion table, designed without an inscription, and four solid oak matching straight top pulpit chairs, all contributing to a cohesive and functional setup.

We are immensely grateful to the wonderful community at Tuscaloosa Primitive Baptist Church. It was our pleasure to collaborate with you on this project. We hope and pray that you will enjoy our furniture for many years to come. May God bless you, your congregation, and your community.

Thank you



God Bless the USA